Fitness Friday: Business Isn't Bangin' For You? Hit the Gym!

Jun 24, 2022

Small business professionals understand that there is a lot put on them to generate revenue to not only keep the business going but also to prosper. There is only so much that advertising, marketing, and promotions can do to get people in the door, but then it is entirely on the professional and their staff to initially "make the sale" and retain those clients. Even if you are working for a company and don't own your own business, career advancement and compensation in your job is also entirely on you. If you lack confidence, if you feel too tired to do more, if sales aren't what you want them to be... then it's time to hit the gym!

At first, this sounds like a completely unrelated piece of advice when it comes to increasing business, furthering career advancement, and boosting salary, it actually isn't. In fact, it can be a lynchpin for making your business or career better while also greatly improving your life. I know it was for me. Getting on a stable track to losing 49 pounds in six months, and then building muscle, was the lynchpin to me bringing my estate planning and Medicaid strategy business to another level. It also gave me just the push I needed to take making videos and media more seriously than just a monthly item on my to-do checklist. Why did this work? 

For many people who are not doing as well as they want in their career or business, and they don't have a strong, regular exercise routine, their life may feel out of control. When things feel out of control, then start with what you CAN control, and an exercise routine, and the results that come with it, is within your control. Start there. It's a great feeling when you can track and see results over time, and how intensely and consistently you work out at the gym is up to you.

Another important factor is making sure that the gym becomes part of your scheduled routine. The exercise at the gym can't be an afterthought or a "I'll get to it if I have time" item. It has to be on equal footing with work appointments. This may mean specifically entering it into your calendar

* Being in shape gives you more energy. While it seems like a paradox that if you don't have enough energy, then how are you going to find the energy to go to the gym? 

* As your results improve, your confidence will increase

* Let's be real... The better shape you are in, the more attractive you become, and the more confident you are, the easier it is to make sales. This is especially true of professionals who will have to work with their clients on an ongoing basis.

Losing 49 pounds and then gaining muscle weight has had me feeling better than I have since my high school and college days... and my waist size has gone back in time as well. But by far the confidence, health, and energy improvements have had a significant impact on my business. The immortal words of Spock from Star Trek now sound more like a health directive than a greeting: "Live long and (therefore) prosper." 

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