The Plain English Attorney Blog

Far too many attorneys overcomplicate things, making topics convoluted and difficult to understand to the average person. This blog is committed to explaining legal planning topics in an easy to understand format, in plain English. Enjoy the blogs, and please let us know if there is a topic you would like covered.

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Cornhole Tournament to Benefit Special Olympics #specialneeds charity community Aug 07, 2023

There are many ways to both benefit charities and save on taxes through good estate and financial planning for after you pass on. There are also a lot of tax techniques to benefit you and charities during your lifetime that can save tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, there are also s...

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Charity Minefields in Estate Planning #estateplanning #trustplanning #trusts 401k assets attorney advice charity ira north carolina stocks tax-deferred accounts Jan 16, 2023

Giving to charities through gifting and estate planning can provide may rewards, and not just a good feeling knowing you are helping others. There are plenty of tax breaks that can come along with being charitable. However, there are also several minefields that can unintentionally hurt you and your...

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